When it comes to our health, we’re quick to believe what we hear. We put coconut oil on our faces because we read that it can be beneficial for our skin, we avoid using a razor on hair that we don’t want to grow back thicker, and we don’t use the same shampoo for too long so that our hair won’t “get used to it.” We love to believe that these things are true, but in the real world, coconut oil clogs pores, shaved hair doesn’t grow back any thicker, and shampoo will never stop performing for your hair simply because you’ve used it a lot.
We are extremely susceptible to a wide variety of myths that we hear regarding many different things. We believe tall tales about celebrities’ lives, politics, weight loss tips, health, and last but not least, we’re quick to believe myths about our dental health. There are many myths floating around regarding not only visits to the dentist, but also details of your oral health. But what’s the real story? In this blog, we’ll explore some of the most common myths regarding your dental routine and we’ll also set the record straight.